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  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.





    By Macenzie J.
  • Very useful

    By Kekileh
    Use this app to keep track of my rides, focus, progress. Very informative and sometimes the data is surprising. Also helpful output for pony club and other records.
  • Amazing!!

    By Horsegirl2709
    This app is awesome! I use it for every ride, and love looking at all the details it has!!
  • Pretty good

    By EquestrainGirl6658
    The app is pretty good- there are definitely some components that could be changed such as how high the pricing is, croppable images, more horse detail such as height, feed, blanket size etc. The tracking sometimes crashes which is frustrating and if you don’t have great service it will be inaccurate. i’ve been using equilab for 4 years and ive enjoyed watching it grow.
  • Love the app, not loving the update.

    By Hated it 4563
    I love the app. I ride solo a lot so the safety tracking is very important to me. However after the last update, the app has been using my location tracking even after I finish and save my ride. NOT LOVING THAT! It didn’t do this before. I just finished my ride, did my barn chores for an hour and the app was still using my location after I closed my app. There is no reason for this.
  • Less than

    By Keeping Organized
    I paid for subscription in order to link my Apple Watch and share with friends. Paces not recorded accurately, and often will not link to my watch. I love the concept and would like it to live up to it's promises.
  • Best riding app

    By Darkodreamhorse
    I have been riding with Equilab since 2019 and it is the best app I can imagine. It gives so much feedback, -about your movements, turns, workout routines. It helped me so much when I was bribing my TB back from lay up after torn suspensory, and I had to closely monitor getting him back to work without overworking. The feedback from the app allowed me to see how much work we were doing, and it was an immense help. I literally don't get on the horse without turning it on. Safety tracking feature is amazing, coach feature is amazing too as it may feel we rode little but we actually did quite a lot of work. Best app!
  • Always tracking

    By Lovehorses166💛💚
    It is a good app. But even if you do have the location setting on only for when you use the app it’s on all the time. I don’t like it. I hope they change it.
  • Best App on my Phone

    By susannetic
    I love this app and the amazing amount of information it provides about my rides. Literally everything I need to know, and there are a handful of additional features I haven’t used yet. Highly recommend.

    By I have nooooo idea
    Like I said I love it. It is the best riding app I have found yet! There is one thing though, I wish I didn’t have to add premium to have more than one horse. Other than that, it’s great!

