ChessMatch2 is your One Stop CHESS CLUB resource which Allows Users: -FREE Movement of Chess Pieces using -> PLAY -Copy & Paste ChessMove Notation Lists..... Instantly Bring Old Games Back to LIFE using -> REPLAY -Duplicate Famous Games & Practice Openings using -> COPY BOARD -Create New Annotated Chess Games using -> NEW -RECORD important Tournament Matches & Chessboards using ALGEBRAIC NOTATION or Unlimited OnDevice Chessboard Storage -ChessMatch2 is ALWAYS in your Corner........Enjoy PLAYING & Watching Chess using our 3 Standard Modes of Enjoyment: 1). FREE PLAY........just like a REAL Chess Set......Automatically SAVES Position on EVERY MOVE.....just TAP "FROM" Square & "TO" Square ***Navigate Stored CHESS GAMES using Forwards & Backwards --> ARROW Buttons ......Add Pieces by Tapping Mountain for MENU 2). ALGEBRAIC NOTATION Play:......Copy & Paste Entire Chess Matches into the "MOVES LIST"........tap "REPLAY" button to LOAD Match ****Use "Qa1c3Z" notation style to OVERRIDE Normal Play......add or remove ANY pieces.....Intended for Use by PROMOTED PAWNS....add a "Z" ***Navigate Match MOVES using Forwards & Backwards --> ARROW Buttons......Tap "PLAY" Button to EXIT REPLAY Mode ******Go FAST, Go Slow or even REWIND to make the Game Go Backwards!~ 3) "COPY BOARD" (PLAY)......Record ENTIRE Chess Matches MOVE by MOVE.....or even Make Multiple COPIES of a Single Board -Duplicate FAMOUS Chess Matches from NOTATION Play -Duplicate FAVORITE Chess Positions from FREE PLAY ***"COPY BOARD" (NOTATION Match) duplicates Entire Chessboards into FREE PLAY with a Single Tap ***Keep Track of GAMES by Naming them in the Description Field above the Chessboard ****COPY BOARD Increases the Number of Stored Matches by ONE ....................................................................................................................................... -NOTE: ChessMatch2 has 2 Main Buttons which SWITCH ARROW Navigation Modes: **PLAY -> FREE PLAY.......&.......REPLAY -> ALGEBRAIC NOTATION (Match List Moves) -There are 2 Different Types of NEW Button: **Inside the Mountain MENU: NEW creates a new FREE PLAY Chess Game ***Above the "Match Moves List": NEW creates a new Match Moves List....and LOADs sample moves -ChessMatch2 is Designed to use Standard FIDE Formatting....except for Post PAWN PROMOTION....which uses the simple Qa1c3Z format **Q = Queen, K = King, B = Bishop, R = Rook, N = Knight & P = Pawn (if you want to spontaneously generate them) -ChessMatch2 also REFORMATs ALGEBRAIC Notation which has been entered a Limit.....removing Commenting from MOVES LIST is Advised. **DEVELOPER also recommends pressing "REPLAY" a 2nd or 3rd Time if Issue is encountered to Improve Particularly Poor Text (ChessMatch2 will automatically try to clean up Move List Text to a normal Chess Game Notation format). A Companion Commentary TextField is Provided for Commentary Purposes unrelated to moving Pieces. **If a Piece is not is very likely due to a formatting or Rule breaking issue. ->To force an illegal Chess move, use the Qb3d5Z style OVERRIDE method provided... -> the Antique Silvered Chessboard used in ChessMatch2 was constructed in the Late 1600s. -> the Oldest Chess Match included dates from 1475. -> whether you are Studying Ancient Chess Masters to Demolish your Opponents at the Local Club Tournament, ---> or just want to See how Chess Champions are Made: ------> Qxc5b4Z++ ----------> ChessMatch2 is your BEST MOVE!# -> ChessMatch2++: it's Chessboard Kung Fu for YOU!!~