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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • Great in theory

    By CalRS79
    Great in theory but key stats/features are based on AI auto-scoring. In the 5 matches I have played auto scoring has not worked in 3. In 2 of them - after hours of editing and back and forth with customer service - I was able to somewhat correct and at least get stats. In the last one customer service has been no help and so no match stats available. Wish they had way to manually enter points or override auto scoring to see the most beneficial part of the app - your match stats and ability to filter points.
  • Great tool

    By will HHCCE
    I use this app all the time. It is such a great tool for getting data on my lessons and matches I play in. There is really nothing like it. I love getting my stats at the end of a match and seeing how many winners and unforced errors I hit. It can help any person improve their game. Can’t recommend swing vision enough.
  • Dill Plays Approved

    By G-tennis57
    I use this app to film all my tennis match, coming out of college I was a low 9 UTR, after I started filming my self and using swing vision to analyze my game I’ve jumped up to as high as 10.9. I am currently at 10.3 UTR. This app is a game charger for posting content online as well. It edits all the dead spots out and takes care of a lot of the trivial editing work I usually had to do. If you are looking to get better this is way to go! And hey maybe you’ll join me on YouTube and start posting your hitting sessions as well! - Dill Plays
  • Auto scoring is absolutely awful

    By Tennis player 14
    I love swing vision and all that it provides but I play a lot of matches and every time I do auto scoring it thinks it’s smarter than me and it doesn’t let me edit even though I was the one playing the match. All and all they should allow you to edit your matches freely without it fighting you and not allowing you.
  • Swingstick is trash, poor recording quality

    By RobeSchuler
    swimgsting is so awful, it’s impossible to get it to stay in its original position, even if on an outtdoor fence. IF you get it mounted, it takes forever to line it up properly. the app itself is promising, but it takes too long as it has to be lined up perfectly. processing the video of you can get it to work takes too long too wish i could get my $ back, waste of time
  • Terrible Scoring

    By Blunt_products
    This App has the potential to be amazing! The problem is they are building too broad and forgetting the basics. Fundamental to tennis recording is the score. The advertised “AI scoring” is never correct. At best it gets the winner of all games right, but messes up multiple points. On average it gets 1 or 2 games wrong and 10+ points wrong. This is over about 20+ sets I have recorded through SwingVision. All the added functionality is useless without having the correct score. I have requested multiple times that SwingVision build the feature to allow a user to correct the auto scoring post-match. I know they have a “live” feature with Apple Watch, but they also need a post match feature. This will ensure the final video has the correct score because it is audited by the user. Additionally, this will provide extremely valuable training data for the AI auto scorer to learn from its mistakes and become more accurate. Please Swing Vision create this feature and then I will happily change my review to 5 stars as once the scoring is correct, the app truly is great!!
  • Cool, BUT

    By Callmesmart
    It’s quite a pain to set up. If I log in on the recording phone and the remote phone, I shouldn’t have to use a QR code and web app. Allow the app to do the work since it’s logged in on the same. Also I bought a separate phone for swing vision, sadly I can’t use my Apple Watch with it this way. It would be nice, to allow the remote phone (synced to Apple Watch) to be able to let the Apple Watch part of the app work.
  • Not overly impressed Pickleball

    By Jnord2
    I want this app to be so much more than it is at least for me. I see others who have it look amazing when playing pickleball, I just haven’t had that experience. I have the swing stick too for best camera angle, unfortunately it doesn’t fit on the fence we have so I use the holes in the fence mount. I use my iPhone as the camera and app, then my android phone to view the camera and setup the recording which is very glitchy. The video is horribly slow and just is extremely low quality. Once I have the court in as good of an angle as possible, the app crashes on my iPhone but not on my android, just freezes. So I have to force quit, and restart again. When I Do get the recording started, sometimes it crashes as well mid recording and now the app is in limbo. I can’t do anything, it still thinks I’m recording the match. Now if all goes as well as possible and I get the entire match recorded; here’s where things get worse. I try analyzing the video for each rally and boy… that is so trashy. Sometimes analysis crashes and fails despite being next to the router. Then when it finishes analysis; It misses a few important rally’s, it cuts off points/rally’s mid play, sees other courts that are semi nearby and will clip them despite our court being quiet. I really have high hopes and want to continue giving this app more love and time; it’s hard to justify paying for the subscription when half the features are overtly slow and just a pain to even get the analysis.
  • Good potential but has a long way to go

    By Isaac Toivonen
    Swing vision is most definitely the future of recording matches and keeping stats. All of its ideas are top notch. The execution on auto scoring is significantly below average. I just want the score to be right-seems pretty easy, but obviously is not. It is very difficult to manually adjust the score because of their AI. If they gave the capability of manually overriding scores it would be better. The shorts that are auto generated through their AI are awesome and you can quickly export videos and use them for instagram and tik tok. This is a massive value add. Overall, the app needs some work but is giving tennis what it needs currently. To swing vision- “Continue investing money into correcting the scoring, as it will make the user experience better.
  • Nice app…if you can get it to work 😕

    By BMA77
    I have only managed to get the app to work once, after 10 tries. It is very frustrating to be getting ready for a match and spending +10 minutes trying to get it to work. And this is not including the physical set up. Apple watch interface stays in tutorial mode and there is no way to reset. And your phone is already hanging on the fence 😖 It is NOT easy to use or set up.

