My Human Design with Jenna Zoe

My Human Design with Jenna Zoe

By 38 (Guernsey) Ltd

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2021-08-10
  • Current Version: 1.4.10
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 78.69 MB
  • Developer: 38 (Guernsey) Ltd
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later.
Score: 4.35954
From 865 Ratings


The best way for you to create success, joy and ease is not to do what works for other people - it's to understand who you are and do it in the way that's right and aligned for you. The most powerful you can do is become who you came here to be, and unbecome the way you've been taught to be. Human Design is a new science that gives you your unique roadmap to becoming that real version of self and from there, everything flows. There is a reason why following other people's plans and advice doesn't 100% work for you - because you were designed differently than them. This app will give you a full breakdown of your chart, which covers how you're built to manifest, eat, work, your unique gifts and traits, your personality, how you learn, and so much more.



  • Jan 12-15 there are hundreds of 5 star reviews

    By Traunt53
    I listened to Jenna on an interview and her first few podcasts so I was sold. I excitedly went in here and downloaded the app. But before signing up I read RECENT reviews. They are all complaining that it doesn’t work and no one helps out ever when they ask for help. - on the podcast Jenna guarantees that her or Taylor will get right back to all questions. I was still going to get the app, but as I was scrolling through reading reviews (almost all were negative) suddenly you get to January 15th. There are about 50 “FIVE STAR” reviews on that exact date. All other reviews are scattered. But somehow Jan 12-15 there are at least a hundred perfect reviews? That’s sad. I was really excited about this but clearly they paid someone to write all of those reviews. Bummer… :( giving 2 stars because I liked Jenna on the interview. But I’m disappointed.
  • Charged me but didn’t give me acesss

    By BirthdayOtter
    I was charged the monthly subscription but I was never granted access. The app has no “report a problem” or “contact us” button or section, so I’m here writing this salty review.
  • to not mention potential “negatives”

    By applvr2
    this is a feedback on *teachings*, so up to jenna. in the beautiful explanations of gates or whatnot, when she often says “don’t feel like you’re/you need to x y z” or “society may deem you as a (negative thing)” - and a lot of the times I never felt that conditioning in the first place. And then I start to think about it because it was suggested lol __ not super big deal but j some feedback :)
  • Can’t use it

    By demaloo
    I created an account on the website before the app was created. But I can’t sign in to the app with the same login info. Very frustrating. Love the website, just wish I could use the app.
  • Love this but audio stopped working

    By acyates
    I love Jenna’s work and teachings SO much. The app has been so helpful in learning about HD and more. However, about a month ago all audio playback stopped working. I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled several times, restarted my phone, tried several data connections, being really patient for it to load… nothing works :( And the “get app support” domain is disconnected. Help!!
  • Horrible customer service

    By Semmysam
    Love the app and the content but whenever I have an issue or app question, I email and contact via Instagram account and crickets. I see they see my Instragram message but don’t bother to respond. It is super annoying!
  • No add friend

    By delilahstardust
    I love the app so much I started inviting my friends over to read their own designs but there’s still no feature that lets you add your friends and look at each other’s design. Maybe it’s on purpose but I think it should be an option, as a Projector I’m dying to interpret my friends’ profiles for them. Please add an add friend option. Thank you. :)
  • Charge after subscription cancellation

    By Kl15_
    Don’t get me wrong, I liked the app. However, always had issues where it wouldn’t always give me full access even though I was paying it. And now that I’ve fully decided to cancel my subscription, it keeps charging me.
  • Not what it used to be

    By ashelymason
    I’ve never written a review for an app before but I just had to. If you would’ve asked me a year ago, I would’ve recommended this app to anyone. It was amazing and personalized and gave daily tips that related specifically to you, which was my favorite part. Now it show there are still tips but there are none, the app is way more confusing, less specific to people, the daily tips are replaced with general question that have nothing to do with you and instead of being able to read it quickly, you now have to listen to someone slowly talk for several minutes to hear something that doesn’t apply to you at all. Was obsessed with this app and quit paying for the subscription and decided to again, my mistake. It’s disappointing to see but I hope one day it goes back to what it was.
  • Easy

    By KeakaO7
    If you are looking for a Quick Look then this isn’t for you. If you like to have access to quickly look up yourself and others then this is perfect. I enjoy this app so much because I can easily look at family/friends and get to all the info in a quick click or listen to it. The design is user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

